Bella Being Bella in our Pack – Stuff That Makes Things Fun

This morning around 11:00 a.m., Mark and I were getting ready to go to the art show in Raleigh.  With three doggie children, it can get interesting when we get ready to leave.  I had just called Luke and Rusty to come into our bedroom so they could sack out while we were gone for a couple of hours.  It was ONLY the three of us in the bedroom and I am straightening things up when I hear what sounds like "mouse or rat" rustlings noise coming ...

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Things [and people] that make for Laughs and Smiles!

Posted on May 28, 2014

I like the way smiles and laughs just happen. Usually  when a smile starts, laughter is coming right behind it.  An  example of that is when we opened a carton of Blue Bunny brand ice cream a few months ago.  Much to our delight, we found a "Happy  Face".   The kids and I just cracked up.  Allison said we needed a picture, that the bunny had sent us a smile. Smiles can turn up at times when we are grouchy as a bear and have the ...

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